Claudia Callas
Jan 16, 2022
From the early 1990's on Don Whetsel helped to make the
Wheat Ridge Historical Society events memorable. When we celebrated the
completion of the 6 year long restoration of the 1913 1st Wheat Ridge
Post Office, Don manned the soddy stove and turned out a delicious
pancake & sausage breakfast for all the visitors. He had just made a
wonderful chopping block counter with pot rack & hooks for the soddy
kitchen. For apple cider day he turned an old tin sink into a table for
washing apples before cranking. The magnificent team of horses he
arranged to have brought to the Baugh House gave us a memorable autumn
ploughing day. His stories of growing up in South Dakota entertained us
at many a historical society meeting. But I guess my most favorite store
of memories were the years he and Charlotte bundled up and went bravely
down to the ice cold soddy to start the stove in order to have it warmed
up for our Christmas party that night. I came with my big homemade
chicken pot pie and cranberry sauce and we enjoyed dinner together.
Charlotte had washed the oil lamp chimneys and the soddy was aglow.